We are shaped by our thoughts, we become what we think. All that we arise with our thoughts, make our world better or worse.
Sri Lankan Buddhist Cultural Centre in Hong Kong (SLBCCHK) is the one & only Sri Lankan centre that dedicated for Sri Lankan Buddhist & Cultural practice in Hong Kong. SLBCCHK delivers the philosophies of Buddhism by facilitating Theravada Buddhist practices align with Sri Lankan cultural events.
හොංකොංහි ශ්රී ලාංකික බෞද්ධ සංස්කෘතික මධ්යස්ථානය, බෞද්ධ දර්ශනයට අනුකූලව යහපත් මාර්ගෝපදේශයක් සහ ඒ හා සමගාමීව ශ්රී ලාංකික සංස්කෘතික ක්රියාකාරකම් සදහා ලාංකීය එකමුතුවෙන් උදාර පරමාර්ථයෙන් ස්ථාපිත එකම කේන්ද්රස්ථානය බව ශ්රිලන්කිකයන් වශයෙන් ප්රෞඩත්වයෙන් කියන්නෙමු .
In 2016, SLBCCHK established with the utmost effort of Sri Lankan community in Hong Kong, under the spiritual guidance of Ven. Sigiriye Sumiththa Thero.
The intention is to Propagation & teaching of Theravada Buddhism as practiced in Sri Lanka & to prepare events & programs aimed at integration of society and promoting harmonious living, freedom from all mental suffering & explore the happiness through a joyful spiritual life together.
මෙත් සිතින් පිළිගනිමු !
Buddhist Meditation Program |
Theravada Buddhist Studies |
Theravada Buddhist Chantings |
Theravada Buddhist Ethics & Discussions |
Inter-religious Discussions |
Buddhist Counseling |
Sri Lankan Cultural Events |
Sri Lankan Buddhist Religious Programs |
Propagation and teaching of Theravada Buddhism as practiced in Sri Lanka. |
Teaching of Buddhist rituals and precepts to the Society at large but especially to the Sri Lankan community in Hong Kong. |
Conduct meditation and religious ceremonies and counselling programs suited for the conditions and environment of Hong Kong. |
To establish a permanent centre to hold various religious and Sri Lankan cultural events and for providing temporary accommodation to monks from overseas, particularly from Sri Lanka, who visit or pass through Hong Kong for religious events or for educative purposes. |
To prepare events and programs aimed at integration of society and promoting harmonious living. |
Aware among the thoughtless, awake among the sleepy,the wise advances, like a racehorse leaves behind the slow.
ධම්ම ගවේෂී - අන්තර්ජාලය ඔස්සේ කෙරෙන සාකච්ඡාමය ස්වරූපයේ ධර්ම දේශනා මාලාවක්, එය සෑම බ්රහස්පතින්දා දිනකම හොංකොං වේලාවෙන් රාත්රී 8 සිට 10 දක්වා අන්තර්ජාලය ඔස්සේ පැවැත්වීමට නියමිතය. මේ සඳහා සහභාගි වීමට කැමැත්තක් දක්වන අයෙක් වේ නම් සාකච්ඡාවට අදාළ අන්තර්ජාල දිගුව දැනගැනීම සඳහා +852 53608945 අංකයට whatsapp පණිවිඩයක් තබන්න. සර්වඥතා ඥාන ප්රතිලාභයෙන් ලොව්තුරා බුදු බවට පැමිණි ශාන්තිනායක අමාමෑණී බුදුරජාණන් වහන්සේ අනේකවිධ දුක් කම්කටොලු වලින් පෙලෙන අපමණ ලෝකවාසීන් කෙරෙහි පතල මහා කරුණාවෙන් සාරාසංඛ්ය කල්ප ලක්ෂයක් මුළුල්ලෙහි කියා ලියා නිමවා ලිය නොහැකි දුක් පීඩාදියට භාජනය වෙමින් දානාදි සමත්රිංශත් පාරමිතා පුරා අවිද්යා අන්ධකාරයෙන් ගිලුනා වූ ලෝකය ප්රඥා ආලෝකයෙන් ඒකාලෝක කරමින් බුද්ධත්වයට පැමිණ හතලිස් පස් අවුරුද්දක් මුළුල්ලෙහි ධර්මානුශාසනා පැවැත්වූ සේක. එවන් වූ ගැහැට විඳ ලැබුවාවු පරම ගම්භීර බුද්ධ භාෂිතය තත් වූ පරිද්දෙන් බලා කියවා අවබෝධ කර ගැනීම බුදුරජාණන් වහන්සේ උදෙසා කරන්නා වූ අග්රගණ්ය ප්රතිපත්ති පූජාවකි. මෙකල බුද්ධ පූජා, බෝධි පූජා, මල් පහන් සුවඳ දුම් පූජා මැද වැළලෙමින් යන ශ්රේෂ්ඨ සද්ධර්මය නැවත මතු කරලීමට ගන්නා කවර හෝ උත්සාහයක් , අපගේ ධර්ම ඥානය පුළුල් කිරීම පිණිසත් ධර්මයේ චිරස්ථිතිය පිණිසයි හේතු වනු ඇත . මෙම චේතනාව පෙරදැරි කරගෙන බුදු දහමේ මූලාශ්රය වන ත්රිපිටකය මත පදනම්ව පිරිසිදු බුද්ධ දේශනාව පිලිබඳව මනා අවබෝධයක් ලැබෙන ආකාරයට සාකච්ඡාමය ස්වරූපයේ දේශන මාලාවක් පැවැත්වීමට කටයුතු සූදානම් කර ඇත. මෙත් සිතින් ආරාධනා ! | ![]() |
Dhamma Gaweshi - Online Shamma Discussion (FREE). Will be concudting online on every Thursday from 8 PM to 10 PM HKT, Please leave a whats app message to +852 53608945 , if you are interested to joining the session and get to know more details, Welcome with Meththa! |
කොරෝනා නීති - පවතින කොරෝනා වසංගත තත්ත්වය යටතේ පොදු ස්ථානවල පිරිස එක්රැස්වීම පිලිබඳව හොංකොං රජය විසින් නීති පනවා ඇත. ඒ අනුව හොංකොං ශ්රී ලාංකික බෞද්ධ සංස්කෘතික මධ්යස්ථානය තුල රැස්වන පිරිස සීමා කිරීමට සිදු වන බව කරුණාවෙන් දැනුම් දෙන්නෙමු. | ![]() |
Covid Restrictions - To minimise the risk of COVID-19 spreading in the community, we all need to work together on social distancing. As per the government restrictions SLBCCHK has limited public gatherings at the centre premises. |
Never stop learning, becouse life never stops teaching and the path of awakening begins with a step of right understanding.
SLBCCHK has scheduled several programs for your benefit. Buddhism is consisted with practical concepts that can be applied to our day to day life to overcome all kinds of sufferings. We try our best to make your life happier and fruitful.
SLBCCHK offers an extraordinary opportunity for anyone who wishes to learn in-depth Theravada Buddhist teachings, practice meditation, and disciplines your mind to brings happiness through spiritual training.
The intention is to propagation & teaching of Theravada Buddhism as practiced not only to engage with Buddhist wisdom but also to promote harmonious living, freedom from all mental suffering & explore happiness through a joyful spiritual life together.
These teachings are offered through meditation sessions, classes, programs, and retreats.
About the Instructor |
Course Highlights |
Enroll Now |
Payment Methods |
For Enquiries |
Every experience, no matter how bad it seems, holds within its a blessing of some kind, The goal is to find it.
The greatest gift is to give people, your enlightment to share it, It has to be the greatest.
Sri Lanka is not only beautiful because of the amazing beaches or the rolling, perfect tea hills – it’s beautiful because of the people.
Today, our beloved country is going through the worst economic crisis in its history, and there is an immediate shortage of basic needs.
Under such a situation a group of Sri Lankans in Hong Kong came forward and launched a fundraising campaign together with Sri Lankan Buddhist Cultural Centre (SLBCC)’s Heal Sri Lanka community care project.
SLBCCHK is an organization solely driven by a team of dedicated volunteers and financially supported by heartfelt contributions of well-wishers. Our organization wouldn't have been in this success if it wasn't the dedicated support of our volunteers & well-wishers.
With the concept of LET’S HEAL THEM TOGETHER !!!, Thank you the world for joining us, It's a bit of a relief to know that we are not alone. Let us all wish and pray that we all embrace peace and spread it around the world. Looking forward to your continuous support.
Our heartfelt thanks go to each and every one of you who has contributed so much to this charity in many ways. For your kind donations, With utmost thanks, please find the bank account details below.
Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Cooperation – HSBC |
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We shall arrange official receipts accordingly for donations, kindly keep us informed with payment reference enabling us to update our records accordingly.
Appreciation is greatly expressed, in advance for your kind consideration.
With the blessings of the Triple Gem, wish you & your loved ones a new year filled with wisdom and happiness!
Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.
True charity occurs only when there are no notation of giving, giver, or gift.
We are delighted to inform you all that the Sri Lankan Buddhist Cultural Center in Hong Kong - SLBCCHK has got possession of a dedicated account in HSBC Bank in Hong Kong. This will facilitate the well-wishers to make their single & regular donations fast and convenient.
As you can witness through www.slbcchk.com & Flicker Albums, we have been able to promote Sri Lankan Culture & Theravada Buddhism in Hong Kong for the last two years in various aspects. We also conduct regular religious, language and cultural teaching sessions at our premises. Hence SLBCCHK has become a knowledge hub too for various segments of society.
SLBCCHK is an organization solely driven by a team of dedicated volunteers and financially supported by heartfelt contributions of well-wishers. Our organization wouldn't have been in this success if it wasn't the dedicated support of our volunteers & well-wishers.
Looking forward to your continuous support in the effort of promoting Sri Lankan culture & Theravada Buddhism while being the Sri Lankan social, cultural and knowledge hub in Hong Kong.
For your kind donations, With utmost thanks, please find the bank account details below.
Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Cooperation – HSBC |
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We shall arrange official receipts accordingly and should you arrange one-off or regular (monthly) donations, kindly keep us informed with payment reference enabling us to update our records accordingly.
Appreciation is greatly expressed, in advance for your kind consideration.
With the blessings of the Triple Gem, wish you & your loved ones a new year filled with wisdom and happiness!
He who walks in the eightfold noble path with unswerving determination is sure to reach Nirvana.